Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mr. July: Third Date

So, the third date wasn't planned to be until Sunday (tomorrow).... but I figured I would see if he wanted to go see a movie (Alex Cross) with me yesterday. Now, this is a big deal because I prefer to see movies in the theater alone. 1 reason is because I don't have to worry if the other person is having a good time and the 2nd reason is I get a bit distracted because movie theaters make me frisky and 3- I don't like going as a "date" activity because you can't talk-well, it's frowned upon by other movie goers, go figure!  I figured he might not feel up to coming out because he spent the whole day volunteering for some golf tournament and wasn't suppose to get done til 5:00 or so. Anyway, he said he would and we met at the theater since I had Moll-Doo in the car! (PITA dog, but gotta love her). I had gotten the tickets earlier, thank goodness because the line was horrendous and the line inside where they tear your stub was getting longer by the second. He asked how he could pay me back since I already got the tickets and I told him don't worry about it. I got this date. He bought the snacks! We got in the theater way early so it gave us a good amount of time to scope out prime seats (I'm a seat snob) and chit chat for a bit. The movie was good and he enjoyed it as well. Our hands stayed within their owner's space. When the movie was over, we walked over to Yolavie (frozen yogurt place) that's next door. First time we both have been there and let me tell you, so fun and delish! He paid for that as well.  We sat for a bit and ate our Fro-Yo.  He then walked me to my car (like usual) and then an awkward moment! I had a feeling a kiss would occur since it came up in conversation the previous date.... but instead of "letting it happen" he leaned in while I was a good foot away with lips puckered. I thought about watching him stand there for a bit to see what would happen, but I didn't. Other than the awkwardness of it, it was your regular PG13 kiss. In and out- no tonsil hockey. No tongue action.... just lip to lip contact and that's all. It felt a little forced to me.  We are suppose to meet up Sunday morning for breakfast and bowling. Perhaps if there is a kiss tomorrow it will be less weird. I'm a bit worried he's too conservative and "safe" for me to keep interest going. He's a great guy but so far, there's no butterflies or oogly feelings that make me want to rip his clothing off! He's cute, smart and good company... but I'm not sure they pass

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