Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mr. March

Real Name: Billy

From: Glen Burnie

Date Location: Crofton Bowling Alley

Background info: Has a 13 year old son that he rarely sees because "the mom is psycho".  When asked why he doesn't have a custody agreement, he states that the mom receives medicare and he pays child support based on his salary when he was 19. Therefore, if he were to cause a stink about custody, she would lose medicare benefits and he would have to pay a lot more for child support. So he is willing to save money and not see his son (see Cons).  He lives with a female friend and spends large amounts of money on "things". Also, he was diagnosed as bipolar 2 years ago and is very angry if he's not on meds. (see Cons). 

Date Deets (aka Details): Met at the bowling alley where we were placed on a waiting list due to being overcrowded. We sat in the bar for about an hour and a half mostly talking about him and his "stuff".  He came across very materialistic but he says he grew up poor and so now he buys the finer things and enjoys them.  Within the first half hour of talking he pointed out that the watch he was wearing cost $600.  He reminded me A LOT of Clay Booth!!! :) I'm sure he used ONLY water based moisturizer like Clay as well- to protect that baby smooth face!  He talked a lot of crap about how he was going to whip my butt in bowling but when it came to it, I won 3 out of 4 games.  He was a gracious loser which surprised me and we were very comfortable and flirtatious.  Very good date! At the end of the date, he asked if he earned a second date. I said "yes" and we talked on the phone that night and set up a second date for the aquarium.  

Pros: Nice guy. Paid for date and didn't hesitate to pay for the date. Refused to take any part of my money. Fantastic kisser! He reminds me a lot of Clay

Cons: More materialistic than me.  Money oriented- granted to some this might be a pro, but I don't need or want "flashy" items and certainly don't want to be with someone who brags about the amount of money they spend. He has a lot of female friends. To me, males and females can't be "friends".  Someone always catches feelings and we weren't made to be friends with the opposite sex. We were made opposites for breeding purposes! A guy who has a lot of female friends is a red flag. Bipolar-'nuff said.He reminds me a lot of Clay.

Post Date Status: He texted the next morning and we went back and forth all morning about normal conversation stuff. Then out of the blue, he sends a text that said "I don't want to explain but it's not going to work out between us." UM- ok, crazy!  I haven't heard from him since and haven't had the desire to contact him either.

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