Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mr. May

Real Name: Carlos
From: South of LaPlata

Date Location: Starbucks- Bowie Town Center

Background info: From Spain. Served in the Navy. Lived with ex gf (she:teacher,  cheated on him with guidance counselor from her work). He moved out of place with her and into a place with 2 guys that were roommates of his friend. Contemplating moving in with his mom while lease runs out on his apt because he doesn't get along with mates. Friends with all females. Nice car which he trades in every 5 years. Likes to "shop". Has a watch bigger than my fist- no,  "watch" is not a euphemism  for anything else!  Strong accent- difficult to understand some words at times. Works as an accountant.

Date Deets (aka Details): Met at Starbucks. He didn't hesitate to buy me a skinny vanilla latte! He got a hot chocolate (cocoa-lol).  We chatted about things. Then we walked a mile to his car so he could smoke-:( where we chatted some more. Got an awesome shoulder/neck massage where he proceeded to say "damn, you have a lot of knots in your neck. You need a professional massage to get those out." And I proceeded to tell him "It's March, I'm a teacher and next week is MSA. What do you expect?"  

Pros: Adorable. Has a career where he makes a good living. Paid for my latte. Dresses preppy-ish.  Good sense of humor.

Cons: Self proclaimed as "vengeful" because his ex hurt him and he can't let that go after a year. Lives an hour away. Not so straight teeth. Has a desire to move out of state.

Aforementioned zit! UGH!
Post Date Status: I told him I was going to head back to my car. He offered to drive me to my car but I told him i would walk. He text me about 20 min. later asking me what I thought and I asked him same thing. He said I was cute, despite the largest zit (see pic!) in the entire world parking itself under my nose today! He claims to be single by choice... and he said that he just wants to let things happen. If something more comes about than just friends then so beit. I'm looking forward to a second date with Mr. May.....


  1. woot woot I like him!!!! Not so straight teeth can be charming!!

    Can he please be my new brother!!!

  2. Bean, you met my friend Marcelo right? or was it Jared that met him?
